Case Study No. 2
Occasionally, an agency partner serves a client that has a need for media services for which the agency either does not have an internal media unit or their in-house unit cannot engage due to a conflict or other reason. In those types of situations, Insight Garden has been called on to serve as the agencies media partner in providing on-going media support to fulfill client needs. Services can span the range of the media process, from strategy immersion, to planning, buying, execution and stewardship.
Euro RSCG Chicago won what was initially a small test market assignment from, provider of office product solutions. The scope of the assignment required a size and flexibility that was not consistent with internal media resources. Insight Garden was asked to join the agency management team to fill that gap.
Insight Garden’s role:
- Become immersed in the core target audience for the test effort, finding and recommending a media approach that would allow the client to learn if on-going media investment could create positive ROI
- Recommended media plan hinged on providing media contact placements at key times of the business day and seasonal periods which could best influence targeted office administrative assistants as they went about their days
- Implement a test plan in three test markets to be compared against three control markets over the course of one year
- Test plan required implementation of spot radio, outdoor and geo-demographically targeted digital display advertising, followed by procurement of added value along with stewardship of purchased media including periodic digital dashboards
- Modify the plan and buy elements based on learning obtained as the test progressed to maximize ROI potential
An initial test employing a few hundred thousand dollars in three markets grew within three years into a roll out across 14 markets investing greater than $3.3MM. Insight Garden served as the agency’s media unit on the business up until’s parent company rolled AOR responsibilities into the broader corporate AOR arrangement with a different agency provider. Most of the core strategies established in the initial test are still being executed in market today.